Foundation Impact Stories

Steve Baum
David Baum's Younger Brother
Steve Baum Testimonial
I am alive today because of my brother, David Baum.
I too had a heart attack just two weeks after David passed away. I am 4 years younger than David. We both had no idea we had an immediate risk of a heart attack. I had a mild heart attack, and I had two stents surgically placed in my coronary arteries. Of the three major coronary arteries, one artery was completely blocked, and the other was mostly blocked.
Immediately after David’s heart attack, I went into panic overload seeking all the information I could about heart disease, symptoms and causes. Cardiovascular Disease is the number one killer in the U.S., and the numbers keep growing. Primary Care doctors try to assess your risks by blood work analysis and asking questions about family history, obesity, smoking, diabetes and other risk factors. Treating these symptoms for the prevention of heart disease does work for many people, but unfortunately many others slip through the cracks, as I did, only to realize they have heart disease after they have had a heart attack. My cardiologist said he meets 95% of his patients after they have had a heart attack, and 40% of those will have another one within a year.
What I have discovered is heart attack prevention is more about the health of one’s arteries than it is about just having low cholesterol numbers. Arteries are the lifeline to our entire body providing oxygen and nutrient-rich blood. Restricting blood flow to any part of your body can cause serious problems. Traditional screenings are important, but none indicate how much plaque is already in your arteries. Preventing the buildup of plaque is critical. I caution others not to rely solely on low cholesterol numbers. Mine were very low, and I was overly confident all of my risk factors were low enough to prevent a heart attack.
So, what should you do?
Talk to your doctor. Tell him/her you are concerned about heart disease and want additional arterial screening. If your doctor says you are not at risk – keep pushing or get a second opinion. The David A. Baum Foundation (DABF) recommends three screenings – two can provide an excellent assessment of blockage and plaque in your arteries. The third is a simple screening of an additional sub-particle of your LDL or bad cholesterol, which can be done with the traditional cholesterol screening if requested. The three screenings are as follows:
A Calcium CT Scan;
A Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Scan (CIMT);
Blood screening for Lipoprotein A or LP(a) - commonly called “LP little a.”
These three tests will paint an excellent picture of your cardiovascular health. The David A. Baum Foundation (DABF) website has more detailed information about these tests. They are all relatively inexpensive, quick, non-invasive, and are covered by most insurance. If you have a family history of heart disease, TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR and get tested soon.
Because of David, I recognized my symptoms early. I have found a great doctor whose primary focus is arterial health and reversing the plaque buildup in my arteries. The DABF mission is to educate others to avoid what our family has experienced. Heart disease is avoidable, but YOU have to become your own advocate to push for additional screening and prevention.

Mike Manning
Friend of the Baum Family
February is American Heart Month, which focuses on our cardiovascular health. Our success story began with the knowledge of David’s heart event and the subsequent formation of the David A. Baum Foundation (DAB) and the information it provides. Our families were neighbors and friends during the Baum family’s time in Charlotte, North Carolina, prior to their move to Atlanta.
“Wow! I wasn’t expecting that”. This initial comment from the cardiologist was surprising when he sat with me after Mike’s catheterization. He explained that Mike had a 90-95% blockage in his LAD, which was stented during the procedure. The LAD is the largest coronary artery in the human heart and is commonly referred to as the widow maker. We discussed the fact that Mike had no prior issues, no symptoms and no major event, such as a heart attack or stroke.
The initial catalyst for the catheterization was the Calcium CT scan result, which indicated a potential 70% impairment in the left side of Mike’s heart. This scan is one of two tests recommended on the DBF website and this is where we first became aware of them. At Mike’s follow up consultation after the scan, the cardiologist told Mike that the next step would be a stress test and then a catheterization if deemed necessary. Mike asked which of these two procedures would give the best and most complete information and was told the catheterization would be the “golden ticket”. So, Mike pushed for the catheterization. It just so happened that his cardiologist was in the catheterization lab doing this procedure the next two days. Mike said “let’s do it tomorrow”.
To say Mike was a walking time bomb is a vast understatement and we are confident that these proactive measures saved his life. We cannot stress the importance of addressing and managing your cardiovascular health. Upon learning about these tests on the DBF website and considering Mike’s family heart history, I strongly encouraged him (I am glad she did) to have these tests. Both of Mike’s parents had open heart surgery (his Dad also had two heart attacks), one sibling has eight stents and one nephew has an implanted heart device. Mike has taken low dosages of medication to treat high blood pressure and high cholesterol since 2011. The Calcium CT scan is not covered by insurance, and costs $ 99, and was money well spent in our case. Mike asked his primary to prescribe the scan since cardiologists are not always firm believers in the results. Mike has now had the Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Scan (CIMT) done with good results.
We cannot adequately express our gratitude and our love to the Baum family for honoring David through the DAB and raising awareness of these life saving measures. Sharing our story verbally has resulted in many friends and family members having these tests done. Sharing the impact of David’s story will definitely make a lifesaving difference to someone (it has to Mike). It is your heart – you must own it and take care of it and follow the DAB’s recommendations. You will never regret it.
Paying it forward, Mike and Sharon Manning

Patient Testimonial
David A. Baum Foundation Fund Recipient
At Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta, GA, patients who are either uninsured or underinsured can receive cardiac calcium scans free of charge thanks to the David A. Baum Foundation Patient Assistance Fund. The fund has been established thanks to the continued generosity of our donors. Please read below how one patient has been positively impacted by your generosity! Patient names and identifying factors have been changed to protect patient privacy.
“Melanie, a 58-year-old patient of Dr. Tian, showed signs of familial hyperlipidemia, too many lipids in her blood. She was unable to afford the calcium score CT scan and met financial qualifications to receive help from this fund. After the test was completed, it revealed a calcium score of 245. She was then referred to the lipid clinic for management of her cholesterol. Because of the calcium score results, she was referred to the right physician and clinic to manage her condition. We will also have better success in getting specialty cholesterol medications required for her care approved through Medicaid.”

Bart Wilson
Friend of the Baum Family
The following message was received from Paige Wilson, a friend of the Baum Family:
So I wanted to tell you that David likely saved a life last week.
My husband Bart- just turned 56 and while not the picture of health has been seeing a cardiologist every year for 12 years - thought he had terrible indigestion last Thursday. We decided to be cautious and went to the ER. We has having a full blown heart attack.
They put in 5 stents. His widow maker was 90 percent blocked.
Your courageous battle raises such awareness for us. It made all of the difference. ❤️"

This could be you!
Friend of the David A. Baum Foundation
Do you have a story about how the David A. Baum Foundation or knowing David's story personally has impacted your life? We would love to share it! It helps us to continue to reach and educate others. Submit your story to and you could see your story featured here and on our social media.